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Home Theater Systems
Brief Overview of Building a Home Theater System
A sizeable percentage of today’s Audio, Video and Home Theater sales have transitioned to on-line sales. The various AV websites often include “explanations” and “demonstrations” of products and technologies.
What is missing from the on-line sales experience is the EXCITEMENT that only an in-store demonstration can provide. A potential AV customer can READ information and (hopefully) draw conclusions from what is presented on the website.
When an AV customer takes the time to visit a Consumer Electronics retail store, a talented and experienced sales professional had the opportunity to EXPOSE the customer to the EXCITEMENT of SIGHT and SOUND!
When referencing Audio, Video and Home Theater… the Consumer Electronics industry is basically sequenced into three primary categories:
Audio (Sound)
Video (Sight)
Home Theater (the integration of Sight and Sound)
Recently, flat screen sales drove consumer electronics sales. Unfortunately, the profit margins on flat screen sales have eroded due to on-line sales competition.
The video customer is shopping PRICE…
not Features and Benefits.
When a potential customer is shopping price, it is very confusing to ascertain why different 40” flat screen models from the same manufacturer can cost $500, $650, $800 and $1000.
- Why should a customer spend more $$$ for a LED screen versus an LCD?
- What is the difference between “Refresh Rate” versus “Clear Motion Rate”… and why is either rate important?
- Why is it important that one model has two (2) HDMI inputs and another model has four (4) HDMI inputs?
- Why should a customer read specifications (which they don’t quite understand)?
- What does VESSA mounting mean; and why is it important?
An AV website can offer definitions and explanations.
What the website can’t fully explain is the
BENEFIT of the technology FEATURES.
While the VIDEO customer needs help in making an informed buying decision, he/she has not broached the importance of the AUDIO aspect of the flat screen purchasing decision.
- What’s wrong with the volume on the flat screen?
- What is SRS surround?
- Why should he/she spend additional $$$ on a soundbar?
- Why should he/she purchase a surround sound A/V receiver?
- What is the difference between mono, stereo, 5.1, and 7.2 surround sound?
- Are the speakers in a surround sound system wireless?
- Why are wires needed when you don’t see any in the magazine pictures?
Once again, the website will offer definitions and explanations… but what will the potential customer understand? (They will probably decide to purchase the less expensive model!)
There is NO NEED to purchase something
when you do NOT understand the value.
The customer will probably surmise the additional $$$ are for unnecessary gimmicks to increase the manufacturer’s profits.
Movie Theater Blues
The movie industry keeps statistics on the demographics associated with the movie-going public. The time frame between the premier in the theater and the secondary market for video on-screen demand and blu-ray disc introduction continues to compress.
The movie theater big screen experience is very exciting… Dolby Digital audio surround, the 3-D movie experience, 3-D Dolby Digital ATMOS. Pack the children into the SUV and venture to the neighborhood movie complex for an evening of candy, popcorn, drinks and big screen excitement.
The cost for a family of four to go to the movies (tickets / popcorn, candy and drinks / parking) can easily exceed $80. More families are scheduling movie night at home with takeout pizza and microwave popcorn. The family movie being viewed is either on-demand from their cable/satellite provider, streamed video from a digital source or a rental disc.
Some of the movie-going public is opting to stay at home versus spending big bucks at the movie theater multiplex. As budget dollars shrink, the disposable income is used wisely and cautiously. A home theater system can contribute to the family’s budget savings over time… while compelling the family to spend quality time together at home!
Home Theater Systems
If the family decides to save money and have movie night ay home, the experienced AV sales professional can assist in making the home theater very compelling.
Some potential AV consumers “information gather” on the web, and proceed to a consumer electronics retailer before deciding to buy. If a sales associate has a customer in their store, they have the opportunity to close the salebefore the potential customer decides to shop elsewhere!
If the A/V sales associate is cognizant of the fierce competition for the family entertainment dollar, he/she should make every effort to value-add the consumer’s in-store shopping experience. The AV sales associate should be the resource the customer needs to put the EXCITEMENT into the shopping experience.
An informative sales interaction and captivating product demonstration can be the difference between the customers’ deciding to buy versus shopping elsewhere. Understanding the customers’ wants and needs, consumer electronics products and the latest entertainment technologies are CRUCIAL to guiding the consumer to a decision to buy!
A compelling product demonstration will expose the prospective customer to today’s technology. By demonstrating the technology, the customer will understand the benefit of a specific product feature.
- Demonstrate the advantage of a soundbar over a flat screen’s stereo speakers.
- Immerse the customer in a 5.1 surround sound speaker system with a dedicated subwoofer versus a soundbar.
- Add depth, dimension and excitement to the surround experience with the extra “side surround speakers” and “dual subwoofers” in a 7.2 system.
Mono > Stereo > Soundbar > 5.1 Surround >7.2 Surround
It is much easier to DEMONSTRATE the excitement of a surround sound system than it is to “talk” about the surround sound experience. If the customer is reading surround sound explanations on a website, he/she does NOT experience the excitement of an outer space laser battle immersing them in sound blasts from all angles. The customer is not “ducking and dodging” as the laser cannons blasts explode all around them in a multi-dimensional soundfield.
Surround sound excitement… properly demonstrated with an exciting action intense video clip will leave the customer breathless… and begging for more!!
What needs to be done?
The previous pages have focused on the value (necessity) of consumer electronics technology demonstrations. The retail store has to provide a REASON for the prospective CE consumer to leave the comfort of his/her computer keyboard and venture out to a brick and mortar building.
I contend a website can NEVER simulate the on-site excitement of an in store surround sound demonstration. If a CE retail store is to remain competitive with on-line shopping, it has to differentiate itself from a website! Unfortunately, CE sales associates do not always pique a customer’s interest, or provide a “memorable” shopping experience.
Surround Sound Excitement
The best way to “rivet a customer’s attention” to the excitement of surround sound is with an “over the top” technology demonstration. But instead of going “full blast” right out of the gate, a more subtle step-by-step progression of movie excitement will build the customer’s awareness of what he/she has been missing.
A big screen sale is only the beginning of the sales interaction. Customers leave their homes to purchase a big screen and outdo their “know-it-all” family member or annoying neighbor. Unfortunately, some sales associates are content to ring up the sale and “timidly” suggest an audio upgrade to complete the sale.
I suggest you ask the customer if he/she has a few extra minutes to “allow” the sales associate to provide a “sneak peek” of what they need to consider before leaving the store. The flat screen that was just purchased can be enhanced with an upgrade over the flat screen’s speakers.
It is imperative to seek the customer’s approval
before beginning the technology demonstration.
You want the customer to feel the sales associate
is considerate of his/her time constraints.
Can I demonstrate surround sound?
The customer is probably familiar with the surround sound concept. Quite possibly a friend, neighbor or family member has a system, and has gone to great lengths to overwhelm the customer with a “showoff” demonstration.
You do not want the customer to think that the sales associate is trying to pressure him/her into purchasing additional products. The CE sales professional is trying to pique the customer’s interest … and whet their appetite!
Consumer Electronics Retail Sales Associate
Hopefully, a perspective home theater system customer has decided to shop a consumer electronics retailer to experience the excitement of an in store surround sound demonstration. Once you walk through the retailer’s door, keep your fingers crossed that your sales associate is…
Informed and up-to-date on the latest consumer electronics technology…
Knowledgeable and experienced in product demonstrations…
Energetic and Enthusiastic about YOUR home theater system …
Willing to LISTEN to YOUR budget concerns!
Consumer Electronics Sales Consultation
Unfortunately, every consumer electronics sales associate is NOT knowledgeable, enthusiastic, experienced and talented. In order to make an informed decision before you decide to purchase a home theater system (or build a system over time) a perspective home theater system customer might consider the advantage of a Home Theater Systems Consultant.
After meeting with a Home Theater Systems Consultant to discuss your home theater system goals, expectations, product preferences and budget constraints you will be better prepared to make an informed decision.
If my consumer electronics product knowledge, technology awareness and system building experience meet your expectations; we can discuss how my expertise can assist in bringing your Home Theater System “vision” into your home.
Feel free to contact me at your convenience. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss the future of your Audio / Video / Home Theater EXCITEMENT!
SPS [Single Point Source] Demonstration Ladder Concept
The primary purpose of the SPS Demonstration Ladder is to EXPOSE the customer to the excitement of surround sound. The CE customer is not always aware of the amount of audio entertainment that is contained on a blu-ray disc.
The SPS Demonstration Ladder “guides” the customer in a predetermined “step-by-step” progression from what the customer can hear from the flat screen’s speakers to an awe-inspiring soundfield provided by a 7.2 surround system. The surround sound information is already imbedded on the blu-ray disc. A multiple speaker system is needed to release the “imbedded” surround sound audio information into a multi-dimensional enveloping soundfield presentation.
The SPS Demonstration Ladder starts with an exciting “surround sound intensive” blu-ray disc and “steps through” a pre-selected track as follows:
Step 01: Flat Screen Standard Audio
Step 02: Flat Screen SRS Audio
Step 03: Sound Bar (Subwoofer disabled)
Step 04: Sound Bar with Subwoofer (Subwoofer activated)
Step 05: Stereo Receiver (2.0 stereo system with Small Speakers)
Step 06: Stereo Receiver (2.0 stereo system with Large Speakers)
Step 07: Surround Sound Receiver (5.0 Small Speakers / No Subwoofer)
Step 08: Surround Sound Receiver (5.1 Small Speakers w/ Subwoofer)
Step 09: Surround Sound Receiver (5.0 Large Speakers / No Subwoofer)
Step 10: Surround Sound Receiver (5.1 Large Speakers w/ Subwoofer)
Step 11: Surround Sound Receiver (7.1 Large Speakers w/ Subwoofer)
Step 12: Surround Sound Receiver (7.2 Large Speakers w/ Dual Subwoofers)
Option 1 “Separates” Surround System (Surround Processor / Multiple Amps)
SPS Demonstration Ladder Demonstration Process
The Single Point Source Demonstration Ladder’s focus is to expose the CE customer to what he/she can recreate in the home theater environment.
The goal is to RECREATE the excitement of the big screen movie theater in the home.
- Speaker system placement and calibration is essential to maximize the excitement of the surround soundfield.
- The quality of the speaker system is a direct correlation to the excitement quotient. (Good > Better > Best Speaker Systems Auditioning)
- The Home Theater electronics should also be referenced in the SPS demonstration. The constant factor throughout the SPS demo is the blu-ray disc player never changes. This way the customer can objectively evaluate the improvement in the surround soundfield as the demonstration progresses through the various speaker systems.